
Hello, friend.

This is the first time interacting with me for most of you, and for others, some years have passed (at the least) since we last spoke. So, the purpose of this post is to provide some background about what exactly is going on.

This Website

The main purpose of the Meditations blog is to provide a creative space to express my thoughts and ideas, practice web design, as well as just to rant about my projects and share those rants with others (like you!). If it interests you, I briefly discuss more of the inspiration for this site in my Hello, World! post.

Think of this webpage as like a behind the scenes look at my life as founder of Cursebreakers LLC, as well as my life in general. So... where to start?

The Cursebreakers Project

Cursebreakers is a mission to empower the world with information and technology.

This mission is a realization of several lifelong paths converging around my love of nature and computing.

But what exactly is it?

Cursebreakers LLC

In July 2023 I formed an LLC for my web consulting & design endeavors.

Cursebreakers LLC provides custom solutions to users seeking more control over their web presence and platforms.

These solutions range from web design and development to consulting and contracting for IT, cybersecurity, e-Commerce, project management and more.

Learn more

Cursebreakers USA

I am also growing a member organization that aims to establish a charity embodying this same mission.

Cursebreakers USA would serve as a national forum for members to connect and share resources, ideas and content.

This program will put profits from the LLC to use by investing in research and development as well as providing technology and solutions for those in need.

Learn more


To bring the vision to life and see this dream in the waking world took a great amount of time, effort and sacrifice.

I owe more than I could ever repay to those that have supported and taught me on the way.

My 2023-2024 Curriculum

The Odin Project - Full Stack Web Development Stripe Partner Ecosystem Cisco - Skills for All

Aside from the above courses, there were also many books, videos, lectures and such (that you may access below).


Above all, I owe the most to my loving partner and family that have humored my inner child and its ridiculous imagination far too long into my adult years, for that is the real reason I'm here today.

What's next?

More coding!

The continuous process of integration and iteration has only begun for Cursebreakers and I, and I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you.

Til next time,


Published May 21, 2024 @ 1000 EDT - Last update: May 21, 2024 @ 1000 EDT